Vision & Mission


The vision of GBN is to see a transformed marketplace with an impact for Christ.


Our mission is to disciple Christian marketplace leaders:

1. EMPOWER: To be empowered to do business God’s way.

2. EQUIP: Equipped to i) live a life of integrity, and ii) manage businesses with Kingdom values.

3. COMMISSION: Commissioned to: i) impact their businesses and communities for Christ, and ii) empower and equip others to do the same.


GBN adheres to the following guiding principles for our operations:

  1. As an organization, we believe there is no dichotomy between faith and business. As such, we adhere to biblical principles at all times, even when there is a cost (financial or otherwise) to the enterprise.
  2. The work of GBN in the marketplace is primarily to impact the lives of the business leaders we are mentoring and empowering, so that they and their business will be successful and can, in turn, be a testimony for Christ to their stakeholders.
  3. Our role as mentors is to add real value to growth of the business of our mentees. We will be directly involved, not only in the formulation of strategies, but also in the execution and implementation of the plans.