Speaker: Jason Ong, Co-founder Olive Vine Pte Ltd

Date: 11 Apr 2018, Wed Evening

Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm (Door opens 7:10pm)

Venue: Nexus Auditorium, Lvl 5 Cuppage Plaza


This Business Empowerment Event(BEE)  is FREE – to encourage maximum participation from Christian Entrepreneurs, Business leaders and Organizational leaders. (Freewill offering will be taken to defray the cost of organizing this event.)

Registration is required. Jump to RSVP.

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About The Speaker

In 2004, Jason Ong was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of a malignant brain cancer. It was discovered the cancer had already damaged major tissues within his brain and his left ear, and since Jason is the first case of such cancer in the medical history of Singapore, the doctor concluded that there was no cure, drugs or treatments available to him at that point of time.And the last words from the doctor were “You are left with at most 6 more months….”

Upon receiving this “death sentence”, unlike anyone of us who may instantly cry ourselves in the pit of hopelessness and despair. Instead, Jason turned to God and remembered the words from Romans 8:28 –“God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” And he bravely told his wife, Judith “This is not the end. We still have 6 months.”He knew in his heart that if he were to die, he would need to be ready to meet God. Hence, he had to make the most of what he was left with and since received the mandate from God to defend the marginalized and take care of the widows and abandoned children.

“Defend the weak and the fatherless: uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” – Psalms 82:3-4

Carrying that mandate, Jason and Judith started their F&B business – Olive Vine, dedicated to using this business as a mission to serve the marginalized children and orphans. Even though they have no prior experience in F&B business, Jason and Judith entered with simple faith and obedience to God’s calling.

When they first started out as a hawker in a food court, similarly to any new startups; they struggled with sluggish revenue, high rentals & food costs, and long working hours etc. While they were barely making ends meet, adding salt to the wound – Jason was constantly suffering from the excruciating pains in the brain, side effects of spontaneous bleeding and black-outs.

With dark clouds looming and the uncertainty of life; everything seemed impossible. Yet he encouraged his wife to trust in God for providence and make sure the business must continue so that the mission to take care of the widows and orphans can be accomplished.Just as the doctor predicted, Jason suffered a major relapse and had a brush with the harsh reality of death.

Fear arose but God turned it to FAITH! – HE turned Jason’s focus on Christ, and led him to step out with courage and strength. In a divine encounter, Jason met JESUS where God breathed into him a new breath of life and had since sustained his life till now.

Today, Jason and Judith operate Olive Vine as a restaurant located in Marina Square and has since funded and grown the ministry to love and feed over 600 marginalized children across South East Asia region.


About This BEE

Jason will be sharing on the this GBN Business Empowerment Evening, drawing from the story in Mark 4: 35-41, where the disciples were fearful when facing the storm….

Through his testimony of fighting cancer for over 10 years, illustrates how we can journey with Jesus from fear to faith, completely trusting in His strength and power to see us through every difficulty in our life and business.

Come and be inspired by his sharing of a victorious life in Christ with purpose and vision, turning from fear to faith.

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Speaker: Dr. Naomi Dowdy, President of Naomi Dowdy Ministries

Date: 25 Jan 2018, Thurs Evening

Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm

Venue: Nexus Auditorium, Lvl 5 Cuppage Plaza


This Business Empowerment Event(BEE)  is FREE – to encourage maximum participation from Christian Entrepreneurs, Business leaders and Organizational leaders. (Freewill offering will be taken to defray the cost of organizing this event.)

Registration is required. Jump to RSVP.

About The Speaker

Dr Naomi Dowdy is a pioneer. More than forty years ago, she made the shift from being a business woman in California to become a young missionary to the Marshall Islands. Moving from island to island to preach the gospel, she battled loneliness and culture shock, while breaking open coconuts for food and drink. During that time, she built churches, a Bible School and dormitories. Her responsibilities were as wide and varied as the islands of Micronesia across which she traveled to nurture church plants.

En route to her next assignment, she stopped over in Singapore, where she was approached to pastor a church with, as she puts it, 42 members and 75 problems. She heard the audible voice of God to take on the assignment, to move from the role of an evangelist to that of a pastor. After arguing with God (and losing that argument), she became the interim pastor.

The ‘interim’ period turned out to be almost 30 years. By the time she turned the church over to her spiritual sons and daughters, Trinity Christian Centre in Singapore had grown into a church of global impact, with more than 4000 in attendance, a global missions program and three freehold properties in the land-scarce city state. The church continues to thrive under her sucessor Rev Dominic Yeo, and has since grown to more than 5,500 in attendance.

Today, Dr Dowdy is helping a new generation of leaders fulfill God’s calling upon their lives. She mentors church leaders, business leaders, and men and women in strategic leadership positions. Her apostolic vision has an immense impact on all who hear her speak or read her books. She is inspiring and raising a new generation of world-changers.

About This BEE

2018 is looking to be a year of surprises on many fronts – political, economic, social and spiritual.

Are you prepared for the things that may suddenly come upon you this year? In times of desperation — where do you turn?  Do we have any guidance from scripture concerning our moments of desperation?

Most of us have found ourselves, at one time or another, in need of the sudden intervention of supernatural power that can reverse our dilemmas.  In this session, we will look into God’s Word and discover God’s principle of sudden reversals available to each of us.

I strongly sense that 2018 is going to be such a year, a year filled with the suddenly’s of God. – Dr. Naomi Dowdy

For inquiries: Email us at

BEC 2022 Registration Form
TERMS and CONDITIONS - Please read the BEC Guidelines for Participants found below, or at PERSONAL DATA DECLARATION - "I agree that GBN may collect, use and disclose my personal data for management and administrative purposes, including evaluation of my application as well as other purposes as permitted by the Personal Data Protection Act." (Please contact us at should you require clarification on the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data.) "I also agree to grant GBN permission to include me in GBN's mailing list." (You can revoke permission at any time using the SafeUnsubscribe® link found at the bottom of every email. We DO NOT spam and we take your privacy seriously.)


Date: 26 Oct 2017, Thurs Evening

Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm

Venue: Nexus Auditorium, Lvl 5 Cuppage Plaza

Speaker: Mr. Andrew Wong, Managing Director – The Heritage Group Holdings

This Business Empowerment Event(BEE)  is FREE – to encourage maximum participation from Christian Entrepreneurs, Business leaders and Organizational leaders. (Freewill offering will be taken to defray the cost of organizing this event.)

RSVP is required. Click to Jump to RSVP

About The Speaker

Andrew Wong was an ACS boy who came to the Lord when he was in secondary school. Upon completing secondary school education, he started work with a humble monthly salary of only $120 as a checker in a Quantity Surveying firm. Subsequently, he worked as a foreman and assistant Quantity Surveyor(QS) in 2 other construction firms before he joined Poh Lian  Construction as a full fledged QS in 1981. Armed with only ‘O‘ levels qualification, he never failed to upgrade himself through higher education receiving a Diploma and MBA, concurrently working himself up to be a Contracts Manager and later as a GM for both the construction and development arm. Favour was shown to him when he was offered partnership to start developing property projects with his boss. The group subsequently was listed on the main board stock exchange.

In late 1999, God spoke to him to embark on a new journey of faith. He then left Poh Lian Construction and in the year 2000, ‘The Heritage Group’ was birthed.

The Heritage Group is a Singapore based property development company founded on Psalm 16:5,6

“O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.”

Its vision was to “Create Homes for generations ” and its core value is ICE (Integrity, Creativity and Excellence.)

It has an extensive property portfolio spanning from turnkey construction of boutique style apartments and landed residences that included developments in D9 and D10.

Projects included :

“The Acacias, The Fruition, The Beacon Edge, Aspen Loft, Somerville Loft , 3@ Philip, The Medallion Bungalows.

As well as The Verv @ RV (River Valley ), Vivace (Clarke Quay) The Cortirie (Holland ); all in district 9 & 10.

In the coming sharing, he will share his journey of faith and trust in God – Why is prayer altar so important to him?

What it is that most important thing God is looking for when we seek Him? Do we dare to go broke with the Lord?

Does God speak to us in dreams? Is God a God of the miracles and all possibilities?

He will also share about his father’s salvation 3 decades ago and his recent death on 11/7/17. In it, God gave Andrew a complete picture of the meaning of Psalm 16:5-6; which his dad gave him.

To know what is the hope of His calling, His allotment, His portion, His cup and the riches of His glory of His inheritance in the saint.

After 17 years striking out on his own, Andrew knew in his heart that he has completed what was needed for that season. He now manages over 50 units of investment properties, mostly in district 9 &10.

Andrew is a committed believer who is zealous to serve His King in his remaining years, as he purposes to fulfill His call.

He reckons his life, is like a “hidden arrow ” that Lord has prepared him for to be shot out at His kairos moment and to hit bull’s eye!

Today he carries a message of “The rich inheritance in Christ” and the diligence to make our call and election sure. Truly seeking God at the prayer altar. To know the mystery of His will, His good pleasure which He purposed for each of us to walk in.  Thus fulfilling our call and destiny for our generation and the generations to come. And at the end, we can truly say, ” We have a delightful inheritance! “

Enquiries: Email us at

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PLS NOTE: This event has been rescheduled to 6th Jul 2017.

Date: 06 Jul 2017, Thurs Evening
Time: 7.30pm – 9:30pm
 Nexus Auditorium, Lvl 5 Cuppage Plaza

This Business Empowerment Event(BEE)  is FREE – to encourage maximum participation from Christian Entrepreneurs, Business leaders and Organizational leaders. (Freewill offering will be taken to defray the cost of organizing this event.)

RSVP is required. Click to Jump to RSVP

About GWI 

Golden Wheel Industries – a Singapore SME in contract manufacturing and packaging business.

Established in 1977, Golden Wheel Industries (GWI) started off with providing quality thermoforming. Now their diverse services include turn-key contract manufacturing, turnkey contract packaging, customization packaging, fulfillment packaging, warehousing, logistics & distribution, sourcing & purchasing and even providing solutions in areas such as operational administrations and support to R&D operations.

Trusted by various MNCs, regional and local customers from different industries including FMCG’s, hard-disk drive industries, medical devices, electrical & electronics, baby products, food etc. GWI is known for its ability to “Do more with less!” efficiency, quality, on-time delivery, and cost-savings.

About The Speaker

Allen Cheng, Managing Director – Golden Wheel Industries (GWI)

Allen took over the family business in the 90s after a short career in the army. Although the business went very well in that first few years, with expansions to Johor, KL and Batam, the initial business success soon turned into struggles in the family as he became worn out, drifting away from God and striving on his own efforts, rather than relying on the Lord.

The 1997 currency crisis also hit the group hard with cash flow problems. Facing with a catch 22 situation, Allen had to manage debt restructuring with the banks and at the same time, manage payments from main customers. Difficult as it was, the potential bankruptcy situation was a turning point in Allen’s life.

Instead of trusting in his own abilities, he chose to trust in God completely. God granted such great favour with the banks and customers that he was able to work out the cashflow issues. God then began a restoration process with his family and his business.

Come and listen to Allen as he shares, “Ever since those experiences, I had learnt to trust God and put Him first place in all areas of my life. I had decided to do business by His book and not to allow any unbiblical practices in the business. Even when I started the business in China, when everything and everyone you meet says you need to ‘lubricate the system’ in order to survive, we stood to His principles. It was not easy, I still have to work very hard but the Lord was in control. He has not let me down since. I always have lots of testimonies to tell of His goodness, His greatness and His love.”

Under Allen’s stewardship, GWI sales has grown by 5 times in the past 7 years. Their 4 biggest customers are all MNCs who recognise, appreciate and desire to work with companies like GWI that have sustainable policies in place, not just on the surface (as vision and mission statements), but truly practicing them daily. Today, GWI is in its 40th year of business and still growing.


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Date: 27 Apr 2017, Thurs Evening
Time: 7.30pm – 9:30pm
 Nexus Auditorium, Lvl 5 Cuppage Plaza

This Business Empowerment Event(BEE)  is FREE – to encourage maximum participation from Christian Entrepreneurs, Business leaders and Organizational leaders. (Freewill offering will be taken to defray the cost of organizing this event.)

RSVP is required. Click to Jump to RSVP

Effective Christian Leadership For SMEs – struggles, lessons and victories

Love, Bonito, a home-grown online retailer. Just like Sweden has H&M and America has Forever 21, Love, Bonito is the local version of fast fashion, catering to the millennials, who want trendy wear without having to break the bank.

Love, Bonito envisioned to bring high fashion to the masses by collaborating widely with renowned designers. In 2015, Love, Bonito collaborated with renowned couturier Tex Saverio who designed the gloriously opulent Wedding Dress worn by Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) in Hollywood Blockbuster “The Hunger Games”. Lady Gaga had also picked his work to wear for her Fame fragrance campaign.

When Rachel Lim, with her childhood friends, started Love Bonito in 2006, it was simply a passion project and a chance for the teenage girls to both spread their love for fashion while earning extra pocket money.

Taking the leap from a fashion blog shop to an international brand E-commerce business was not an easy journey for Rachel, who had to make sacrifices to give up her pursuit of university education for business. As she understood clearly her divine destiny along with God-given talents and gifts to being a Kingdom entrepreneur, she identified her calling to impact the young women of the next generation.

While Rachel works with her mostly millennials staff of 50, who are vocal and opinionated, she credits her success to being a relational leader in managing her team.

In this session, Rachel Lim will share with us the Kingdom values that guide her organization’s decision-making process along with effective leadership skills in managing an inter-generational workforce – her experiences, struggles, and victories through her journey as a Kingdom entrepreneur.

About The Speaker

Rachel Lim, Co-founder of LoveBonito Singapore Pte Ltd.

Rachel Lim started her online fashion business at the tender age of 19 when e-commerce was minimal. Rachel and the brand was immediately propelled to the forefront of the industry, revolutionizing and headlining the spheres of online retail and redefined the fashion scene in Singapore. The style maven continued to garner a strong following among women with her innate ability to engage, relate and connect with them.

In line with Love, Bonito’s mission to empower women’s confidence through style, she is able to further touch and impact the community of women she and the brand have created. With a personal mantra to live life on the edge and in seizing every opportunity, Rachel left school to grow the business. Today, Love, Bonito remains to be the leading fast-fashion label in Asia, designed specifically for Asian women’s fit. The brand has grown beyond Singapore to Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia and Australia.

She believes that everyone has a unique purpose and she endeavors to inspire them to discover and live out their true purpose.

Rachel was recently honored by Forbes as Asia’s 30under30.


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