BEC is a small group discussion platform that is open to all Christians in the marketplace, including professionals, executives, entrepreneurs and business owners. We face similar issues at work and similar struggles to be Kingdom minded in our workplace. There is therefore much that we can learn from one another, as well as encourage each other.
The small group discussion is not an instructional session, but is designed to promote peer to peer learning with a facilitator to keep the discussion relevant and impactful.
In GBN, other than the Christian (Nicene) creed* which forms the core tenets of our faith and is therefore non-debatable, every other Christian belief, practice and custom will not be agreed with or disagreed with at the platform level.
It is important for participants to come prepared for each session with a humble and teachable spirit. We can all learn from one another regardless of our spiritual maturity level. Very often, it is the Holy Spirit that is providing the downloads, so that we may learn from each other.
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. (Prov11:2)
As anyone can register for BEC, people will participate with a varied agenda. Most will come with a heart to learn. However, there will also be some that come with a hidden agenda such as for network marketing. At GBN, we do not allow network marketing in our BEC groups as it will disrupt the group dynamics, since it is a small and closed group environment. Network marketing is allowed and in fact encouraged at other GBN platforms such as the Asian Marketplace Conference and Networking Meetings.
The following ground rules shall apply to all participants, who are deemed to have accepted and agreed to abide by these rules by signing up for and attending the BEC sessions:
- Participants must commit to attending all monthly sessions except for reasons of illness or overseas travels;
- We should respect other participants and the facilitators in the group – everybody’s time is equally important;
- Solicitation of business and spamming is strictly not permitted. Unless specifically requested, you should not be marketing your business to any co-participant. If reported, an offending participant will be asked to leave the group. Phone and email contacts obtained through group emails or whatsapp chatgroups must be treated as private and confidential, and subject to PDPA regulations;
- Whilst we do not discourage participants from doing business with one another, each person must do their own due diligence and be fully aware of the risks involved. GBN, as a ministry, as well as it’s volunteer facilitators and council members make no representation or recommendation about any participant or the business dealings of any such persons, and will not be responsible for any disagreements or (potential) losses arising from any deals between the participants nor will it act as a mediator to any dispute. If the disagreement between the participants are deemed to have an effect on the BEC group dynamics, the participants will be asked to leave the group.
- Participants should open their hearts and submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit as He speaks to you during your preparations or during the discussion sessions. Allow the Lord to change you, as transformation of your life is the primary object of BEC, and the faster we learn our lessons and change, the more rapidly we can move to next level;
- Come prepared for each session and be willing to share openly. Be accepting of one another’s journey as the Lord leads us on different paths in the various seasons of our lives;
- Be purposeful and intentional. Remind yourself of the take aways and applications after each session; and
- Learn to give thanks and glorify God through every circumstances.
Facilitators will setup whatsapp/telegram chatgroups when the BEC groups have been formed. The purpose of the chatgroup is to coordinate the meetings as well as disseminate important information/notes relevant to the discussion topics.
Guidelines For Managing Chatgroups
Chatgroups should be strictly used for the BEC discussion purposes. The group facilitator is the administrator of the chatgroup and has the responsibility and authority to act as the final arbitrator of the chatgroup, with the right to remove any non-complying participant. These are some guidelines for the BEC chatgroup:
- Always keep to the BEC purpose of the group, such as meeting schedule, discussion notes and questions, explanatory points, prayer request. Don’t share irrelevant messages about other topics.
- Do not spam the group! If you would like a group to share devotions, events, or good deals, jokes, then set one up for that exact purpose and invite others to join. Not everyone wants the same information.
- Observe appropriate chatgroup etiquette:
- Post your message in one single chunk of text, don’t post every word or sentence in a new message.
- Do not have one-on-one conversations in the group. Switch to private messages.
- Do not post in any group between 21:00 and 07:00 unless it is an all-out emergency (which is unlikely in a BEC Chatgroup).
- If a message asks for a response like an RSVP, respond quickly.
- If someone asks a question and you don’t know the answer don’t respond with “I don’t know”. Just wait for someone who knows the answer to reply.
- Don’t send multiple “thank you” messages. If you feel gratitude towards someone – tell them in a private message.
- If someone asks a question of a personal nature (like asking for advice) don’t respond if someone else has already answered, or else respond to the person directly in a private message.
- The group is not a political platform. Keep all conversations polite. No arguing, no accusations, no heated opinions, no fear mongering, no hyped up drama, no fake news. Check your sources before you share.
- Never EVER use a group to berate someone else or air grievances. If you have an issue, address it one on one with the relevant person.
- If an objectionable post has been made, do not respond directly in the chatgroup, otherwise there will likely be a long back and forth argument which no one else is interested in. Either private message the relevant person or flag the facilitator separately, and allow the facilitator to deal with the matter. Participants are not vigilantes of the chatgroup. It is the facilitator’s role to regulate the group.
- When the group has served its purpose, facilitators will delete it.
If you are not sure, ask yourself these three questions before you post:
- Is this relevant?
- Is this necessary?
- Is this a good time to post?
*Christian (Nicene) Creed – Statement of Faith
We believe in:
- The Trinity – God the Father who is the creator of all things, Jesus Christ as the Son of God who is the word and the light, and the Holy Spirit who was sent by God to be our counsellor;
- The death, resurrection and ascension of Christ;
- Salvation by faith; and
- The second coming of Christ and the day of judgement.
Follow us to get the latest news about GBN
- Mailing Address : 7 Kallang Place, #04-03, Singapore 339153
- connect@gbn.sg
- www.gbn.sg